Are you ready for Google’s technical interview?

signup for this free online event to:

  • Get real-time step-by-step walk-through of a question we've seen asked at Google.

  • Ask questions throughout! Our engineer will answer questions as he solves the problem.

  • Learn our problem-solving process to help with this, or any other type of technical problem you might get in an interview!

  • Ask more general questions to Outco’s CTO who has coached dozens of SWE’s to receive job offers from Google.

You might also be interested in the Google Prep Class event! Instead of focusing on a coding interview, we’ll be covering the entire Google interview process. Learn more and sign up here.

This event will be held Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 5:30 pm PDT


Presenter Bio

Ron is Outco's Technical Lead who has personally helped over 2,000 engineers get better software engineering jobs since 2015. His lectures are engaging and participatory, where he breaks down every concept into bite-sized pieces that junior and senior engineers find incredibly helpful. In addition to being one of the best debuggers of interview code, Ron also likes biking, hiking with his partner and cat, and sharing the magic of apple crumb cakes whenever possible.